Wednesday, August 12, 2009


1. When dynamically allocated memory is lost to the C++ program then
Answer: memory leak occurs
2. The private member in derived class
Answer: Can be inherited only if the derived class is inheriting from base class with private access level
3. The operator that denotes address of a variable in C++ program is
Answer: &
4. Which of the following denote stream classes in C++?
Answer: All the Above
5. If an array in C++ is declared as exforsys[10] then exforsys is equal to
Answer: &exforsys[0]
6. Using pointers to call a function is called as
Answer: call by reference
7. The notation of logical NOT operator in a C++ program is
Answer: !
8. What is the notation used to place block of statements in a looping structure in C++?
Answer: { }
9. Which of the following denote types of polymorphism in C++?
Answer: All the Above
10. Which of the looping structure in C++ check condition at the beginning of loop?
Answer: while
11. Which of the following is mandatory for all C++ program?
Answer: main()
12. The notation of member access operator in structures is
Answer: .
13. If a function in C++ does not return a value then its return type is denoted as
Answer: void
14. The inserting of the code of a called function at the point where the function gets called is achieved by using
Answer: Inline functions

Incorrect Questions (16 / 30)
1. The method that is used for writing characters in C++ program is
Answer: put
2. Which of the following allocates memory but does not initialize it?
Answer: operator new
3. Index of an array starts from
Answer: Zero
4. A function named as exforsys has three implementations associated with it. This means the function exforsys is
Answer: overloaded
5. Strict parameter type checking is followed with which of the following?
Answer: Inline
6. The block of memory allocated by the new is released by using
Answer: delete
7. Class that reads and writes to an array in memory is
Answer: strstream
8. The function named as exforsys declared as int exforsys(float x, double y) has return type as
Answer: int
9. Which of the following is used to group a set of global classes, objects and functions under a name?
Answer: Namespaces
10. The vtable entry for a pure virtual function in C++ is
Answer: NULL
11. The overriding method must have the which of the following same as that of the method in the super class definition
Answer: Both A and B
12. A variable modified by multiple threads should be declared as
Answer: volatile
13. Which of the following denote bitwise operators of C++?
Answer: All the Above
14. The value of EOF is
Answer: -1
15. Which of the following is used in C++ to create a copy of an object?
Answer: Copy constructor

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