Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pointer Size in gcc Compiler

* PointerSize.c
* Created on: Sep 29, 2010
* Author: Karthikeyan.D
/* Size of any type of pointer is independent of the data
* type which is it is pointing i.e. size of pointer is always fixed.
* Size of any type (near) of pointer in c is four byte. (gcc Compiler)
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int *p1;
long double *p2;
printf("%d %d",sizeof(p1),sizeof(p2));

return 0;


4 4

Directory finding

* Finding the files in the particular files.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
# include <string.h>

int isFileExist(char* dirName, char* fileName)
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *ep;
dp = opendir ("./");

if (dp != NULL)
while(ep = readdir(dp))
puts (ep->d_name);
if(strcmp(fileName, ep->d_name) ==0)
return 0;
(void) closedir (dp);
perror ("Couldn't open the directory");
return -1;


int main (void)

printf("is Exist %d",isFileExist("./","Printf.c"));
/* DIR *dp;
struct dirent *ep;
dp = opendir ("./");

if (dp != NULL)
while(ep = readdir(dp))
puts (ep->d_name);

(void) closedir (dp);
perror ("Couldn't open the directory"); */

return 0;

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Printf Concept

* Printf.c
*printf return the number of characters which is to be displayed in the console window.
* Created on: Sep 26, 2010
* Author: Karthikeyan.D

# include <stdio.h>
int main()
int nCount=0;
nCount = printf("Hello India\n");
return 0;


Hello World

Note: \n consider as a escape sequence and also number of character count for this is only one. not two.

What is Data Abstraction?

Data Abstraction is a process of representing the essential features without including background or implementation level details.